News: Is the Olympic pitch worth winning for kudos alone? - Marketing Week

News: Is the Olympic pitch worth winning for kudos alone? - Marketing Week: "The agency that wins the London 2012 pitch could be asked to become a low-level Olympic sponsor instead of taking a fee. It's an idea which has caused consternation among those being asked to pitch.

Several agencies have slammed the Games organisers for being 'cheapskates' and have criticised the way the pitch is being handled, saying the prestigious account will be a drain on resources and finances. Many are beginning to question whether the kudos of landing the account is enough.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (Locog) is considering making the agency a tier-three - or third level - partner in the marketing services category. Other remuneration proposals put forward include the appointed agency taking a percentage of the marketing communications money raised.

Sources have questioned whether such plans indicate an unwillingness to pay directly for services, despite Locog's 'huge' budget and the £400,000 paid to design agency Wolff Olins for the controversial London 2012 logo.

One senior source calls it a 'cheek' that so much was paid for a logo when an agency would have to work 'much harder' for less money.

Another source highlights the enormity of the task, saying it is not simply about creating advertising and marketing messages, but also about adapting them for countries and regions as"

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